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SGID location data


The location data index

To view all location data from stewards besides UGRC, search the SGID Index.

Utah Address Points

Point GIS data

An address point represents a geographic location that has been assigned a US Postal Service (USPS) address by the local address authority (i.e., county or municipality) but does not necessarily receive mail.
Stewards: UGRC & local government partners

Utah Address System Quadrants

Polygon GIS data

An addressing system consists of an origin point (0,0), a north-south axis, and an east-west axis, and a boundary within which addresses are assigned using this particular grid. These quadrants are those grids.
Stewards: UGRC & local government partners

Utah Building Footprints

Polygon GIS data

Polygons representing the two-dimensional area on the ground that is covered by a building.
Stewards: UGRC & Microsoft

Utah Example Data

Point GIS data

A short description of what the dataset is (1-3 sentences), so when people read it in the list of datasets they know what it is.
Stewards: UGRC & these & are & combined

Utah GNIS Place Names

Point GIS data

Place names from the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
Stewards: UGRC & U.S. Geological Survey

Utah ZIP Code Areas

Polygon GIS data

The estimated geographic extents for all five digit ZIP codes in Utah that are not P.O. box only.
Steward: UGRC

Utah Zip Code PO Boxes

Point GIS data

Approximate locations of USPS PO Boxes in Utah.
Stewards: UGRC & USPS

Utah Zoom Locations

Polygon GIS data

Polygons of commonly used places in mapping.
Steward: UGRC